レトロ&カフェ のら猫

休業日などの お知らせ


休業日( 不定休 )


 4月 16日(火)

4月 25日(木)


5月 2日(木)

5月 20日(月)










5月 22日(水) 13:30 ~ 16:30






日曜日および祝日は about 11:00 ~ 16:00


平日・土曜日 about 12:00  ~ 16:00




ご来店の際の「 マスクの着用 」は






 雑貨 ・ レトロ生地 ・ 衣料 ・ ビンテージアクセサリーなどなど

店内一部 赤札50%OFF!!!!!! しております ♪


ぜひ お立ち寄りくださいね(^^*)



いろいろ 続々入荷中~ ♪


のら猫 店主 










タイミングによっては HOLD ・ SOLD OUT になっている場合があります。












PayPay 使えるようになりました ♪




店主は英語が「 読めない & 話せない 」ので(^^;)””””

そのお詫びとお礼、 お願いの文章です。



Thank you very much for your a lot of English comments


so that I'm surprised.


I was happy because you see my blog.


Unfortunately I can't speak English and can't read English,


so it takes time for translation, (T-T)


but I'm reading the comment I got.(^^*)


I'm sorry not to be able to answer the respective comments I got. m(_ _)m


Thank you very much really truly! (' v' )/"


※ I'm using an animation for a background of a blog,

so it's to its advantage heavily,

and does a movement become slow ?

When it's so ,I'm sorry.

But that's liked,so please permit.(^^*)♪

I don't know the cause it isn't possible to judge a picture of the blog by which for me,

so I'm in trouble.

I don't have the knowLedge. (T-T) I'm sorry .....





It's regrettable that my blog is spread as "spam" at the place I don't know.

Please stop "the spread which has no hearts".

There is "troubled person" by that.

That isn't the case that I wish.

I'm really sad.


If everyone feels "It's strange." somehow, please don't click.


Please, "seen & enjoys" my blog, because, please do.

I wish for that.

Thank you.




「 お店紹介 」

を一番下までスクロールすると、地図が出てきます ♪






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